Reminders Regarding Grades 3-8 NYS Assessments

Since the pandemic interrupted state testing in 2020 and 2021, many students may not be familiar with state assessments. Our staff will be there to help them navigate the testing process. Our goal is to ensure that testing goes smoothly for all students.

Students will be asked to read short passages and answer multiple choice questions on the ELA exam. They will also provide textual evidence to explain their answers and write an essay. Students will be asked to answer multiple-choice questions on the math exam. They will also be asked to show their work on more complex, multi-step problems.

No single test provides a complete picture of a child’s abilities. When combined with grades, classroom activities and unit quizzes and tests, annual assessments can provide important information about a student’s academic growth.

We encourage parents to reach out to their child’s principal with any questions regarding these tests.