District » Strategic Plan: Blueprint for Excellence

Strategic Plan: Blueprint for Excellence

Blueprint for Excellence | Strategic Plan 2024

Dear Members of the Heuvelton School Community,

It has never been more important to be focused, aligned and intentional in our work. We are very excited to share the results of our collaborative efforts to develop plans that will help us to continue growing and improving as we always strive for excellence. 

Our “Blueprint for Excellence” is the result of planning sessions that were held with our Board of Education, Leadership Team, staff, parents, and community members. We worked with feedback gathered from the community this past fall as we developed a plan that will help us continue to grow and achieve as we strive for excellence in all that we do.

This plan will be the backbone for what we do. It will serve as a roadmap in our efforts to connect with each child and family while enhancing our connections as a school and a community. We’re in this work together and look forward to being your teammate in our continued effort to be a model school of excellence.

Thank you for your feedback and support. Your collaboration and teamwork make all the difference in the lives of children and the success of the district. 


Jesse Coburn

Superintendent of Schools


Christopher Riordan

President, Board of Education

Blueprint Planning is intended to:
  • Involve all members of the school community and reflect their shared perspectives.
  • Allow stakeholder representatives to review community feedback to clearly define the district's mission, vision, and core values.
  • Engage a team in defining the priorities of the district and suggesting action steps to accomplish objectives. 
  • Facilitate action planning focused on identifying who, when, and how the work will get done.
  • Provide the district with a road map that is transparent, accountable, and focused. 
  • Enable the district' efforts to innovate, allocate resources, and continuously grow in a coordinated, thoughtful, aligned manner.
  • Be an iterative, evolving, and ongoing process that builds from one year to the next, while reflecting emerging needs and changing demands. 
Steps in the Heuvelton CSD Planning Process
December 2023:
    • Community feedback gathered.

January 2024:
    • Draft mission/vision/core values developed by the Board of Education and Leadership Team.
    • Community Team assembled; mission, vision, and core values reviewed; priority areas developed; strategies suggested. 

February 2024:
    • Action plans developed that specifically identify what will be done to meet the objectives of each area, and who will be responsible for leading the work. 

March 2024:
    • Revisions and review completed by the Leadership Team.
    • Communication to the community and implementation of the plan with stakeholders.
Mission, Vision & Core Values
Successful organizations clearly define their purpose, what they need to become to fulfill their purpose, and how to operate or behave. These are commonly known as their mission, their vision, and their core values. 
Through the Blueprint Planning Process, our school community defined why we exist, what happens in the organization when we are working toward our mission, and what behaviors should be evident from individuals and the organization as a while. The following statements constitute our redefined mission, vision, and core values. 
Mission: We provide equitable, inclusive, and challenging opportunities that support every learner in becoming the best version of themselves, well prepared to positively contribute to society.
Vision: We are a connected community investing in the success of every student in every way as they grow and develop as contributing community members, leaders, lifelong learners. 
Core Values: We will consistently and effectively achieve our vision and accomplish our mission if in all of our work, we demonstrate our core values.
We will:
    • Value forward-thinking and solution-based approaches that benefit all.
    • Uphold equity, honesty, and acceptance in all our interactions.
    • Remain committed to collaboration and dedication to our school and community.
    • Foster a culture of caring and love.
    • Respect all individuals and their unique perspectives.
    • Encourage open-mindedness and supportive attitudes.
    • Commit to academic excellence and community engagement.
    • Take pride in our identity and be committed to our values.
    • Serve our students with empathy, fostering a safe learning environment where mistakes are seen as opportunities for growth. 
Priority Areas
Based on community feedback and initial planning by the Board of Education and Leadership Team, the following areas were identified as priorities to be focused on in order to fulfill the mission of the district. A district goal has been developed for each area.
    • The Student Experience
    • Academic Excellence
    • Operations
Action Plans
The following plans have been developed to guide the actions the district takes in order to accomplish the objectives in each priority area. Each action step represents a strategy for meeting an objective. A timeframe has been established and the parties listed are primarily responsible for leading the work.
Priority 1: The Student Experience
Goal: We will provide students with a safe, welcoming, and engaging learning environment through diverse opportunities while fostering accountability and whole child health.
Action Steps Responsible Party Timeframe
Explore and support alternative graduation pathways Counselor, Principal, Superintendent 2024-27
Identify and promote engagement opportunities outside of school. For example:
  • Boys & Girls Club - community center involvement
  • Heuvelton Village Recreation Department: Lisbon Beach
  • St. Lawrence County Youth Bureau
School Administration, Counselor, Social Workers, After-School Program Coordinator
2024-25, Ongoing
Provide social skills training through Second Step K-8
  • How to interact and self-advocate (everyday interactions)
  • Mentoring program
  • Learn to Lead
  • Enlist high-performing students to tutor students in need of assistance.
Teachers, Counselor, Social Workers (Seminars)
SST Counselor, Social Workers, Administration, Students, NHS/NJHS Advisor
Leveraging PTA and school partnership to foster school/community connections.
  • Develop and connect families with a shared list of resources between school and community. 
  • Host community night/wellness fair with partner agencies.
  • Promote fun nights/family nights at school as fundraisers for student groups.
  • Explore latchkey potential
Social Workers, Counselor, Administration
Student Group Advisors
2024-25, Ongoing
Priority 2: Academic Excellence
Goal: We will expand visibility of opportunities for students at all levels in order to foster positivity and to encourage a forward moving and proactive mindset.
Action Steps Responsible Party Timeframe
Identify and promote enabling criteria for student-led conferences at the primary and secondary levels. Teachers, Principal, Director of Curriculum & Instruction
Update artifacts like progress reports, report cards & AIS reports to educate/inform parents about student learning.
All staff.
2024-25, Ongoing
Evaluate existing programming & sequence to support college and career readiness. For example: 
  • Career interest inventories and discussions starting at the middle level.
  • Post-high-school planning process for vocational students attending BOCES.
  • Consider a 9th grade course to expose students to career and college opportunities.
  • Incorporate job-related imagery/visuals in subject area spaces.
  • Identify best practices for teachers to connect content with career outcomes.
Counseling Staff
Middle Level Teachers
Ongoing, Summer 2024, 2024-25
Pilot 2024-25
Clearly communicate opportunities for accelerated coursework/dual credit learning opportunities for students on an annual basis (e.g. Guidance plan, enewsletter, HS transition paperwork), and ensure equitable access for all
Partner with community partners (e.g. One Stop Career Shop, DOL, local businesses, non-profits) for exposure, internship, job shadow, and volunteer opportunities.
Principal, Counselor, Teachers.
Review of PK-12 standards and determine grade level/content-based power standards to communicate with stakeholders.
Director of Curriculum & Instruction, Principal, Teachers
Research funding sources or community partners to enrich summer programming, with an academic focus.
  • Grants
  • Colleges
  • Municipal, county, state partners
Continue to promote and grow after-school clubs.
  • Ensure a range of opportunities and exposure.
  • Consider expansion to additional grade levels.
All staff, After-School Coordinator
Continue to share and vet professional development that matches district needs.
  • Partner with BOCES or other districts on PD.
  • Regularly advertise offerings.
  • Strive to offer choice for PD throughout the year.
  • Provide concentrated professional development for reading.
Director of Curriculum & Instruction, Principal
Ongoing, 2024-26
Continue to evaluate and explore current research on best practices for reading instruction.
Director of Curriculum & Instruction
Ongoing, 2024-26
Priority 3: Operations
Goal: We will enhance district communication and create opportunities for community members to use the school as a safe and supportive environment.
Action Steps Responsible Party Timeframe
Prioritize communication about the use of school facilities to host community events.
  • Annually provide district calendar, communications chain, and invitation to community partners (library, municipality, fire department, churches, Meadowview).
  • Explore feasibility of electronic submission process for Building Use Form to improve access to school for community groups.
Superintendent, Communications Specialist, Principal
Summer-Fall 2024
Evaluate communication methods with Heuvelton Central School families, and the greater Heuvelton community.
  • Optimize communication at both primary and secondary grade levels.
  • Provide communication in multiple modalities (digital, paper-based, zoom events) to increase communication with all stakeholders.
  • Audit website usage metrics to evaluate need for redesign and/or vendor change.
Communications Specialist
Communications Staff & Administration
2024-25, Ongoing
Prioritize team time for professionals to meet and discuss student progress (e.g. Data meetings, Student Support Meetings).
Teachers, Counselors, Social Workers, Administration
Refine the master schedule process:
  • K-6/7-12 Schedule
Principal, Director of Curriculum & Instruction, Director of Student Services
Spring/Summer 2024
Accountability and Implementation Plan
What gets measured, gets done. It is important to stay focused on the work ahead and to hold each other accountable for achieving outcomes. In the spirit of transparency, diligence to the task at hand, and sharing our progress as a team, the following schedule has been developed for regular reporting on progress in working toward objectives.
Timeframe Activity Who
March 2024
  1. Blueprint Plan presented to the community and adopted by the Board of Education.
  2. Blueprint Plan "unpacked" and shared with the faculty and staff.
  3. Blueprint Plan unpacked with smaller groups.
Superintendent, BOE
February/March 2024
Blueprint budget recommendations made; expenditures finalized. Superintendent and Administrators
June 2024
Final report blueprint updates provided to the BOE, community and staff Superintendent and Administrators
July 2024
Blueprint Planning Day held. 
Plan updated for 2024-25.
BOE, Superintendent, Administrators, Staff, Community Members
2024-25 Quarterly Blueprint updates provided to the BOE, community and staff. Superintendent and Administrators.
2024 Blueprint Team
Barbara Knauf
Chris Riordan
Jacqueline Bill
Andrew Martin
Alexa Backus Chase
Michelle McGaw
Stephanie Gilbert
Jill Farrand
Lacey Leroux
Alison Connelly
Rebecca Donnelly
Allan Spaman
Mollie Ladouceur
Logan Ladouceur
Lindsay Fitzgerald
Courtney Kimble
Brett Bailey
Jennifer Hynes
Karen Cole
Lora Martin
Terri Parsons
Becki Phillips
Brent Phillips
Michaele Webb
Lynette Piercey
Emilie Wood
Morgan James
Jenelle Riordan
Eliza Pierce
Claire Donaldson
Amy Mitchell